5G And Fixed Wireless Access–A Glossary

5G and Wireless Broadband - an overview

Do you know your fixed wireless from your mobile broadband, your ODU from your IDU? What does NR stand for in 5G NR? And what are they up to in 3GPP?

3rd Generation Partnership Project
Consortium consisting of a number of standard organizations within mobile communications. Is behind the standards for 5G networks.
As of April 2021, the latest version is 3GPP Release 16.
3GPP in Wikipedia
New Radio
5G NR is a radio access technology (RAT) for the 5G network that is used for both fixed wireless and mobile broadband. The first version of the specification for 5G NR came in 2017.
5G NR in Wikipedia
When 5G radio is used in combination with a 4G core network (EPC), this is called non-standalone. Sometimes referred to as the “first-generation 5G network”.
One of two deployment scenarios defined by 3GPP.
5G ReadyWhen a service or product is referred to as “5G ready”, this usually means that 5G is supported, but that 4G will be delivered until 5G is available in the network.
When both radio and core network are based on 5G architecture, this is called 5G standalone.
One of two deployment scenarios defined by 3GPP.
Evolved Packet Core
Core architecture for 4G/LTE networks.
Fixed Wireless Access
Fixed wireless broadband or fixed wireless is internet access delivered wirelessly to a fixed point, that is, an internet connection delivered to a specific address, without the use of fiber or cable.
FWA has been available for a long time–older technologies are, for example, WiMAX, LTE and 4G–but has greatly increased in demand and popularity with 5G NR, which opens up new possibilities.
Geo-lockingEnforcing an address lock / geo-lock is common when delivering fixed wireless access. The subscription is linked to a limited number of base stations and the equipment thus cannot be transported and used at another address.
Both Telenor and Telia require an address lock when delivering fixed wireless broadband in their networks.
Integrated Circuit Card Identifier
Integrated circuit card ID is used as a serial number for SIM cards and is both stored on the card and printed on the outside of the card. A complete ICCID must have 19 or 20 characters.
ICCID in Wikipedia
Indoor Unit
Indoor unit, an access point for indoor placement.
Indoor antennas for fixed wireless broadband will usually give poorer reception than outdoors, because the signals are attenuated by building materials. An indoor unit can therefore be combined with an outdoor antenna.
The outdoor antenna is a requirement from both Telenor and Telia, who own the Norwegian 5G networks. Exceptions can be made where there are strict restrictions for modifications to a facade, such as for listed buildings.
International Mobile Equipment Identity
The IMEI code is a unique identifier for mobile equipment/mobile devices. It is linked to the physical device and not to the subscriber.
International Mobile Subscriber Identity
IMSI is a code that identifies the subscriber associated with a mobile device.
Mobile BroadbandMobile broadband is internet access over 4G or 5G delivered to a mobile/portable access point that can be used anywhere within the provider’s coverage area.
Outdoor Unit
Outdoor unit, an access point for fixed installation outdoors.
Outdoor antennas provide the best reception for fixed wireless broadband, because signal attenuation from building materials is avoided.
An outdoor, mounted device and/or antenna is required from both Telenor and Telia, who own the Norwegian 5G networks. Exceptions can be made where there are strict facade restrictions, such as for listed buildings.
Radio Access Technology
Radio access technology is the physical connection layer for radio-based communication networks. One and the same device can support one or more such technologies.
Examples of radio access technologies are 5G NR, wifi and Bluetooth.

See also our glossary of Wireless words and terms .

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