Solid product + favorable payment model + enthusiastic service provider = satisfied customers. Infonett Røros make the support phones go quiet with their service Wifi Pluss.
Problems with Wi-Fi in the home are depressing common. Poor coverage and uneven performance are the most common problems, including wireless interference from other equipment and physical barriers such as building materials. This generates many customer inquiries to the ISP, because the Internet experience becomes poor even when the customer has a top-of-the-range high-speed broadband subscription.
Wifi Plus from Infonett: AirTies Smart Wi-Fi as a service
Infonett Røros is one of the Norwegian Internet service providers who are now addressing this problem using the AirTies home pack. The home pack contains three wireless access points set up in a ready-to-use mesh network, which can then be spread throughout the home and will provide the customer with full wireless coverage.
Having sold over 500 AirTies home packs to their customers over the last couple of years, Infonett launched the service Wifi Plus in February 2018: AirTies pack as a subscription service for 99 NOK a month.
Commitment Yields Results
The experience thus far has been very positive for Infonett Røros. Anders Prytz, product manager at Infonett Røros, says:
Our main focus is having happy customers, not to making direct earnings on the Wifi Plus package, but we see that the solution is profitable, also because we now get fewer customer inquiries about Wi-Fi.
Where wireless issues are suspected, our call center is quick to suggest Wifi Plus. Our belief in the product is rubbing off on the customer!
Their experiences so far:
- Those who order Wifi Plus are happy with it. We notice that many of the issues in our customers’ homes boil down to sub-par wireless networks, and Wifi Plus solves this.
- The call center reports that customers who have previously been in contact with us repeatedly due to poor performance, now have fast, good, and hassle-free wireless networks.
- Inquiries to the call center have just about stopped from customers who have selected Wifi Plus.

“Those who choose Wifi Plus will be happy. Inquiries to the call center have just about stopped from customers who have selected Wifi Plus. “
Anders Prytz, product manager at Infonett Røros
Customers Prefer a Subscription Model
We have a completely flat per month subscription fee of 99 NOK for the 3 devices in a home pack. Customers can also choose to buy the pack, but the full price of 3190 can be experienced as too expensive. If desired, the customer can also add on extra access points at 39 NOK per month.
We see that customers are more comfortable with subscriptions, and that most of them go for this solution. The startup price is low and so is the monthly cost. In the long run, it costs roughly the same for the customer as owning equipment, because the technology needs to be renewed after a few years. You also get the benefit of happy customers, longer cancellation periods and services that make the customer stick with you.
Campaigns and Word of Mouth
We at Infonett have addressed our customers via campaigns to inform them about Wifi Plus. Word of mouth also seems to be helping sales, and although we are in the early stages we see that most people are now going for subscriptions rather than buying equipment. The plan is also to shortly get started with newsletters where Wifi Plus will be a central service.
Our door is open to anyone who wants to share experiences. Please feel free to contact us if you would like more information on how this has given us happy customers.
More information about Wifi Plus can be found here: Wifi Pluss fra Infonett Røros (in Norwegian)
Infonett has among other things used video from Eye Networks in its promotional campaigns. This video is freely available for all retailers to reuse and is available in our marketing package along with images, logos and other materials: Download marketing resources.
About Infonett Røros
Since 2001, Infonett Røros has delivered broadband, TV, and telephony services to private homes and businesses in Røros and the surrounding areas. Infonette emphasizes local knowledge, availability and proximity to the customer and in 2018 covers approx. 7000 households.
Infonett Røros has a unique combination of knowledge of server operations and communications, and also helps companies across the country in choosing the safest and most cost-effective solutions in data services and equipment.